Q&A: Your thoughts on LPN vs. RN programs?
Question by pgencs2: Your thoughts on LPN vs. RN methods?
Heres the issue : I already obtained my bachelors degree and want to pursue nursing. I am looking at a LPN application then after that I can take a LPN to BSN software. Or do I just go for the RN program and go to school for another 3 years complete time. I also looked at fast-tracked BSN programs since I already have some of the classes, but those are two expense and can not paintings cause its all day every day for 15 months. I want to work and am getting married soon. I don’t realize how I am going to start school full-time, work full-time and try to plan a wedding? I need your advice- Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by ?
It sounds as despite the fact that the “shorter” route may be the LPN to BSN?
I know that once you have your RN, there are many completely online programs that can get you your BSN while you continue to work full-time as an RN. I’m not sure the same is true for LPN?
You’ve got big decisions ahead! Good luck!
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