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Total Immersion: TOPPS 3D LIVE trading cards

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Just released with select TOPPS 2009 baseball cards — augmented reality trading cards that literally bring players to life right on top of the card.

Garbage Pail Kids Stickers Topps Cards Vintage Funny Video Toy Product Review by Mike Mozart of JeepersMedia QUESTION OF THE DAY! CREATE MORE FUNNY NAMES FOR CHARACTERS! A Funny Video about the Funny Cabbage Patch Kid Parody Trading Cards so Popular in the 1980’s called “Garbage Pail Kids”. Parents Groups and Teachers Hated Garbage Pail Kids Stickers but Kids LOVED them. Backpacks and Binder covers ( Your Trapper Keeper) were covered in these vile but fun little peel off stickers! Garbage Pail Kids Sticker Trading Cards by Topps are reviewed by Mike Mozart of JeepersMedia Jeepers Media. Mike Mozart now has over One Hundred Funny Toy Product Reviews videos on his Channel. Jeepers Media has one of the Largest Collections of Naughty Toys, Inappropriate Toys and Downright Hilarious Obscene toys that You will find anywhere! You Find the Top Ten funny Worst Toys of All time reviewed in these videos on You Tube!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted January 27th, 2012 in Topps Card. Tagged: , , , , , .


  1. thefloop:


  2. chrisall76:

    @iovine28 both? really.

  3. HankIsAwsome:

    can you have two or? more fight each other for a pen?

  4. CutieiBertieaj680:


  5. CaptCamping:

    7 people never finished? high school

  6. Tomos17451:

    @SasukeUchiha2166 thanks you people are so ignorant these days in? the future -_- i mean its 2011 what do you expect

  7. Christizm:

    haha there are 7 noobs in here who clicked the dislike I play this game all the? time im 100/100 from the free throw line at the moment go SHAQ lol

  8. sportog9:

    why are people saying this is fake? Augmented Reality is here… you’ll be seeing more of it in just a few years, it’s the next? step

  9. jorden9k:

    This? is real i was playing it a few minutes ago

  10. fink121:

    @awsome0621 goddd? your a retard kook it up b4 u say anythinngg!!!

  11. almost7245:

    so the webcam only sees the “hollagram?”?

  12. sorenmijail:


  13. Pikabuu2:

    6 people? missed the like button

  14. energioz:

    molto ingegnoso! mi chiedo? perché non l’abbiano ancora fatto con i pokemon…

  15. MartinAntonsenHere:

    @madeye0 Augmented Reality is? a fact, theres houndreds of evidences if you dubt about it, you can even make it yourself using macromedia flex builder 3, marker generator, tortoiseSVN, ARToolKit and a lot of programming skills, the thing about it is that you can only see it trough the camera, cause the card he is holding has a unique pattern that the web side har stored, and when the camera recognises the pattern it creates a 3d image on top of it which can only be seen on the screen 😉

  16. nono3013:

    thats? awesome!!

  17. ZeDaxter:

    @madeye0 Go on the? website.

  18. DonnyThailand:

    Wowww. How can I get cards? Is? it on sale somewhere in the States? or on Ebay? Thanks!

  19. darkgothcon2:

    That cool?

  20. Emjaay88:

    that? is so awesome:O

  21. madeye0:

    Well you would have to be really dumb to think there is some breakthrough? technology allowing to create holograms in uncontrolled enviorment and it’s preferentially used to project basaball players on cheap colecting cards. No, seriously, if you thought that, then you’re simply DUMB.

  22. madeye0:

    It’s tracking rotation and position of the card by the glyphs. It’s not that? amazing, really.

  23. santacruznp:

    sorry? to say that this technology is here and its real, its a simple tracking on the card but yeah, my nieces avatar happy meal had one of these things, really freaky yet cool

  24. Mokouteh:

    Yeahh? This is hot!!?

  25. nphaskins:

    This video is EXTREMELY mis? leading. I was VERY disappointed when I learned that the actual image is shown on your COMPUTER MONITOR. This video makes it look like you can see it when your own eyes in a physical sense.

    Nowhere does it say that it ONLY shows it on a computer screen.

  26. DarkSparkish:

    Scotchy Crotchy ?

  27. hellokittybybydoggy:

    Apple Cory=granny smith?
    The needle dude ( forgotten name) = needley Ned

  28. ThePlataformer:

    Tuck? Fuck

  29. Myrebornhobby12:

    The other day I throws at the dolled tree?

  30. camred123:

    cuming? carry

  31. FromtheWordsofBR:

    The United States of? America Fierra

  32. Kopeke675649:

    Slam Duncan?

  33. LuvPuertoRico:

    Oopsie? Daisy

  34. Theilovepolymerclay1:

    fail pail?

  35. sithstalker2009:

    i got one dicky wicky wait damm? it

  36. jaykirbydudee:

    @GinoTheSpy? Hurtful!

  37. spycrab99:

    thats? a fail

  38. graciepoopooomg:

    Cool reviews? Mike

  39. halojanitorsclan:

    hmmmm… i got it a new not at all segestive name! his name will be yum cum!… oh wait… god damn it?

  40. coreylawd:

    Chester Molester?

  41. mario167100:

    bitch? butch

  42. LpsSavvy:

    Poopy? Butt….What? Who said they have to rythme?

  43. GalufTheInvincible:

    wicked? weegee


    sauge? sam.

  45. nekuxxxx:

    ruby cube?

  46. 321amurphy:

    can you still get theses my mom used? to have theses sso did my uncle

  47. TheGordonFreemane:

    Cored? Cornered Corey

  48. abbe2hip39937:

    rooky? dooky

  49. Karin1282:

    @cuddlykittehs i know? :3

  50. cuddlykittehs:

    @Karin1282 nostalgia critc;

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