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What are good colleges with nursing programs?

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Question by beachblondie3879: What are just right colleges with nursing techniques?
i want to be some sort of nurse and was wondering if anyone new of any good faculties with nursing programs

Best answer:

Answer by KH
im not too sure but i assume drexel university in philadelphia does, i think nursing is one of the bigger programs at drexel, tuition is 40,000 tho if ur on the 5year application with 3 coops

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Posted June 27th, 2012 in Colleges With Nursing Programs. Tagged: , , , .


  1. ?Vee«:

    where are you located?

  2. Sweet Voltaire:

    URI has an outstanding nursing program. It’s nationally renown. And here’s a list I found of a bunch of others:

    I suggest a major university. It can prepare you across a broad spectrum and won’t put you in huge amounts of debt.

  3. eri:

    Your local state universities are technical colleges are your best bet – they’ll be the cheapest option, and it’s not like getting a nursing degree from a top school is going to get you higher pay or a different job.

  4. jaseman_16:

    Community colleges usually have good 2yr ASN (Associates of Science in Nursing) programs that will allow you to become a Registered Nurse. Once you do this (depending on where you get a job) some places will pay for part of (if not all) your tuition so that you can then get your BSN (which will allow more growth in your career). You will be making between $ 55,000 and $ 75,000 and possible more (up to about $ 90,000) depending on where you live as a Registered Nurse with an ASN or BSN (both get about the same salary. Only $ 1 or $ 2 difference.) Then you should work for about 5-6 years or more and get at least 4 years in an ICU setting then you can go back to school to get your MSN and become a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist). CRNAs make over $ 120,000 per year. On average they make about $ 150,000 per year. The only downside to being a CRNA is that your malpractice insurance will (after about 5 years) level off at about $ 12,000 – $ 14,000 per year…..but overall it is TOTALLY worth it.
    Good luck with your nursing career.

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