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What sort of amp should I get to match with these sub woofers?

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Question by Jim: What sort of amp should I get to match with these sub woofers?
I bought two 300 constant wattage Memphis M-class subs with 600 watts max. I was looking at a 500 watt amp, but I’m not sure if I should upgrade to more wattage. What should I do?

Best answer:

Answer by justy d
there 300 watt rms speakers each so if i was you i would go down to a local pawn shop that sells car audio and see if u can find a 1200 watt amp or a 600 RMS amp there.(hopeing you know the difference betweem watt and rms…) there cheap and pawn shops have some nice stuff.

and if you can its not bad to buy a bigger amp if u can because you can always turn it down to what ever you need with your subs. (ex: 2000 watt/1000 RMS would turn it a little over half dial or 1500 watt/ 750RMS would be little under half dial if you get what im saying)

hope this helped!

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Posted December 4th, 2012 in Who Sells 1000 Watt Cheap. Tagged: , , , , .

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