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Is it easy to make money through trading shares online?

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Question by Tavish Tavish: Is it easy to make money through trading shares online?
Is it easy to make money online through trading shares. I would only be able to start with around £350-400. What would be the best site to use?

Best answer:

Answer by mason pearson
NO it is not easy. Keep your money until you learn about trading… then be really smart and don’t do it.

I am a trader, I work hard, and I can not teach what I do in a few lines.

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Posted June 22nd, 2013 in Easy Money Online. Tagged: , , , , , .


  1. OPM:

    It is extremely difficult. During the bubble years the Georgia Securities Commission had brokers give them copies of all traders living in Georgia. For every 100 traders, 90 lost 100% of their investment and only 1 was profitable. Amateurs have no business in trading.

    Investing on the other hand can be profitable for most people. I would recommend reading Benjamin Graham’s “The Intelligent Investor,” and a good book on securities analysis which was written as a college textbook. Since you do not seem to have experience, until you learn how to do on your own, I strongly recommend going to a full service broker or bank with a good reputation in your area.

  2. evermore:

    make any kind of money are not easy but gold may easier.
    You can open an free Marketiva forex & gold online trading account , with $ 5 reward and $ 20000 virtrual fund for practice .Just click the following link to open an account.

  3. fenixfighter:

    You know you don’t have to spend money to make money. You really can make money for 100% free. Check out what this site says

  4. Nick M:

    If you see it as another form of saving medium to long term and learn the ropes then there is no reason why you can’t make money – But with £400 it’s not going to be fast unless you get very very lucky on some penny share (and it’s more likely that you’ll lose on penny shares)

    My fave example is $ 10,000 invested in Warren Buffets Berkshire Hathaway fund 40 years ago with profits re-invested is now worth 34 million or so. That is with a growth rate of some 21.76% a year average over 40 years…

    But basically what you should do if you want to start some sensible long term shares investing is find some good books or courses and read them a few times first plus do more online research, check out discussion forums and so on.

    Markets are always going up and down and no matter what they do even if they’re “crashing” there will always be shares that increase (e.g., in general, gold and oil related pretty good right now whereas retail is poor) So no need to rush and feel that you’re missing out, there’s always another day.

    As for sites for trading, I use Selftrade, they have loads of options and services, see them here – they are execution only which means you decide what you want to buy and sell and when – so you need to know about things but once you do this means it is cheap as you’re not paying for advice.

    My results, portfolio up about 35% since start 2007…so if I can keep that going I’ll be good to go in 40 years 😉

    Good luck and take care

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