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Posted August 9th, 2013 in Marketing Online. Tagged: , , , , , , , .


  1. browsemusicvideos:

    Informative, and no stinking? ads

  2. battle17k:

    This is really good stuff?

  3. truthtonerecordsTV:

    Very informative!?

  4. TittyTwisterBand:

    Great interview. Lots of good info. Its nice? to hear from actual experts.

  5. Bob Ryszkiewicz:

    Part2/ 11/Creative TITLES for your songs, considering, that by their NAMES, that the search engines will place them NEXT TO what you call it. e.g.. You call your song “Hamburger Love”, you will be put in FOOD sites and, let’s say ROMANCE/Love novels/songs, whatever. You call it Umbrella Blue, and you show up next to Rihanna, think about it. You want to be near Hi-Traffic Searches. !2/ The Almighty AIRPLAY, I got my stuff on ShortWave Radio, Internet Radio, AM Medium Wave Radio,? Satellite Radio++

  6. Bedros Keuilian:

    Thanks? Mike!

  7. Mike Whitfield:

    Killer info Bedros!? I look forward to seeing you at the TT Summit!

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