Part 2 Linda’s Naughty Night Out at the Male Revue
Continued from Part 1
As Jason stood in front of Linda, slowly stroking his big cock, Rachel was watching intently, and after nearly a minute had passed, with Linda still flirtingly biting her lip and staring
at Jason’s face and at his giant cock, Rachel said “Girl… I think he wants more than just your pretty face looking at his big dick !” and added “Let me show you what I know he wants.” as she knelt on the floor in front of Jason.
Rachel was wearing a tight mini dress which showed off her curves, as did the other 3 ladies (all in different colors as they had planned the previous day.)
Now kneeling in front of Jason, her hands on his thighs, Rachel smiled playfully up at Jason’s face and said to him “Do you want to put that big thing in my mouth as bad as I want it in my mouth?”
Jason, without saying a word, only smiled down at Rachel and firmly grabbed her hair and pushed at least 8 inches of his ample manhood into her mouth.
Rachel tried her best to not gag, but only lasted about 10 seconds before her gag reflex kicked in.
Jason quickly pulled out and let her recover her breath, as Rachel coughed with a tear running down her right cheek due to the gagging and coughing.
Linda, sitting less than a foot away, watched with a smile and looked up at Jason’s face as Rachel coughed and said “It’s too big honey. Don’t choke my girlfriends to death with that monster, I still want them around.”
Diane and Janet both laughed and said “Ohhhh thanks Linda ! It’s good to know you still want us around !”
At that, Rachel had recovered and Jason said “One more time Rachel, this time breathe through your nose.” and then grabbed her hair again and shoved his cock into her mouth, this time a little slower.
She did a little better the second time, and managed to last nearly 30 seconds before her gag reflex activated again.
As Rachel coughed and recovered, Linda looked up at Jason, smiling playfully and said “Oh my God honey ! You really have a big cock !”
Jason, smiling back, asked “And do you like it ?”
Linda replied “I’m sure you already know the answer to that question, bad boy !” and all 4 ladies giggled.
Rachel had now recovered her breath and Janet, in a playful voice, said “Now it’s my turn ! I bet I last longer than Rachel did !”
Jason smiled and said “We’ll see about that.” and then leaned down a little to give Rachel a hard slap on the ass before Janet took her place kneeling in front of him.
Rachel squealed due to the slap and said “What a bad boy you are Jason !” and sat next to Linda, who whispered something into Rachel’s ear which both ladies giggled about.
All 3 of Linda’s girlfriends, Rachel, Janet and Diane (whose real name is Diana and was born in Peru, but has lived in the USA for nearly 20 years, married to a man 10 years her senior. I will share the incident which happened between Diana and Jason when he was 20 minus 8, in a post coming soon.)
had known Jason since he was a toddler. He thought of all 3 ladies as aunts, and called them aunt Diana, aunt Rachel, aunt Janet.
All 3 ladies had taken Jason to the park, to the circus, took him swimming, etc.
Sometimes the ladies would leave their own sons (all 3 ladies had sons about the same age as Jason) with their grand-parents, so that they could devote more attention to Jason, who was always the best looking and most athletic boy in his classes and had many admirers, both female classmates and female teachers.
As Janet knelt down on the floor in front of Jason, he leaned down a little and gave her a hard slap on the ass, making her squeal and the other ladies giggle.
He then quickly and firmly grabbed her hair and shoved his cock into her open, eager mouth. Jason was careful to give Janet the same amount of his dick as he had given to Rachel, to keep the competition fair.
Janet lasted a full 20 seconds before her gag reflex activated. She coughed and sputtered as Rachel had done, recovered her breath and tried a second time, lasting 45 seconds before gagging again.
During those 45 seconds, Jason looked at his Mom’s smiling face and thought to himself “Damn, my Mom is prettier and hotter tonight than I have ever seen before. I hope she sucks my cock too…mmmm fuck…I’ll probably cum in her mouth if she does.”
As Janet recovered her breath from Round 2, a tear running down her cheek, Linda winked at Jason and playfully said “Bad boy!” giggling as she traded a high-five with Rachel.
This made Jason even hornier and more determined to make his Mom gag on his cock and then cum in her mouth or all over her pretty face, and possibly even more than that before the night ended.
Janet regained her composure and smiled up at Jason telling him “Thanks sweety, you can make me gag on that big, beautiful cock of yours any time!” which made the other ladies giggle and Linda said “As long as your hubby doesn’t find out!”
Janet laughed and replied “Girl… As long as none of our hubbies find out !” which prompted all 4 ladies to trade high-fives and laugh loudly.
Jason leaned down again and slapped Janet’s ass again, on her other cheek, making her squeal again.
Janet then gave a quick kiss on the head of Jason’s cock and stood up, taking a bow, as the other ladies laughed and applauded.
Jason asked the ladies “Ok ladies…Who’s next ? There’s still 2 of you who haven’t taken the challenge.”
At this, Diana and Linda looked at each other, then both ladies whispered to each other quickly, giggling, and Diana said “I’m next big boy! So that means you know who will be the 4th and last.”
Rachel, Diana and Janet all traded high-fives, laughing mischieviously, while Linda looked at Jason, smiling but now blushing and said to him “Is that OK honey ? That I will be 4th ?”
“It will be more than just OK…it’ll be perfect !” Jason replied with a smile.
Linda replied “Oh God… this is so bad, but that big cock of yours is too much of a temptation! Ohhhh God ! I’m probably going to hell for what happens tonight!”
Her 3 girlfriends laughed and Janet said “But girl… It’ll be worth it ! Just look at that big beautiful cock!! Where will you ever find one that big again ?”
Linda laughed, sounding a little embarrassed, said “You’re right… tonight’s the night!”
“That’s the spirit. It’s your night to be a bad girl, along with the rest of us!” said Diana, as she knelt on the floor in front of Jason.
Jason was now even more excited. He saw Linda watching him closely, smiling the prettiest smile he had even seen her smile, as he roughly grabbed Diana’s hair and began rubbing his big hard cock all over her pretty Peruvian face, as she smiled up at him.
He then leaned down to give Diana the hardest ass slap of the evening, making her squeal loudly. She had the roundest ass of the 4 ladies which made Jason so horny he felt as if he was going to cum at any moment.
It didn’t help at all that his Mom was looking really hot and sexy and had the cutest smile that he had even seen her have before this night. He knew that he was going to explode like a volcano, and soon.
Still grabbing Diana’s hair in his hand, quite roughly, he began to slap her face with his big hard cock, as she continued smiling up at him.
Jason alternated at looking at Diana’s pretty face and looking at his Mom’s sexy smiling face.
He thought to himself “Fuck yeah… this is so fucking hot. I’m gonna cum so fucking hard.”
For the next 3 or 4 minutes, he alternated between cock slapping Diana’s face and rubbing his cock all over her face.
He noticed he was leaking a lot of pre-cum and parts of Diana’s face were glistening.
During those 3 or 4 minutes, Jason was looking more at Linda than at Diana. Their eyes locked and Jason felt that she was just as eager as he was.
Finally, Jason leaned down and gave Diana’s ass another hard slap on her other cheek and then told her to open her mouth.
Holding her hair firmly in his right hand, he shoved the first 8 inches of his cock into her mouth.
Diana lasted only about 10 seconds before she gagged and Jason quickly pulled out.
After coughing and recovering her breath, Jason repeated the process, inserting his cock into her mouth a little more slowly.
Still, Diana only lasted a little over 10 seconds before gagging again.
As she recovered her breath for the second time, Jason gave her well rounded ass a final hard slap, making her squeal.
Diana gave a final quick kiss to the tip of Jason’s cock, telling him “God…I wish my husband had your cock!” which made the other ladies giggle.
Janet said “Girl.. don’t we all !” and the ladies traded high fives again.
Diana got up from her kneeling position and sat next to Rachel, while at the same time Linda stood up, and placed herself in front of Jason.
Standing in front of him, face to face, her smile sexier than ever, she took his giant manhood in her hand and began gently stroking it.
While stroking his cock, she gave him a quick kiss on the mouth, and then asked him “Do you like how my little hand is stroking your big donkey dick ?”
Rachel said loudly “He loves it ! Don’t stop pretty girl ! Stroke that big cock !”
Jason chuckled and replied to Linda “I love how your little hand strokes my big donkey dick.”
Linda said “Good answer sweety.” and gave him another quick kiss on the mouth, followed by another, then followed by a long passionate kiss of nearly a full minute while at the same time she eagerly stroked his enormous manhood.
After the long kiss, she then kneeled on the floor in front of Jason and smiling up at him, said “Now let’s see how much of that big thing will fit in my mouth.”
Jason replied “Ohhhhhh what a bad girl you are tonight… I fucking love it!” and leaned down and slapped Linda’s ass just as hard as he had done to Diana. Linda was wearing a little black mini dress which accentuated her womanly curves.
Linda squealed, then giggled and said “Slap the other cheek baby… Hard… I’m a very bad girl !”
Jason slapped her other cheek even harder, making her squeal again while her girlfriends laughed loudly.
By this time, Linda had already started sucking Jason’s cock. She had taken about 5 inches into her mouth, while she stroked the remaining 5 inches with her hand.
She looked up at Jason’s face while she sucked and stroked, her eyes looking pleadingly into his, as if she was begging him to cum.
Linda stopped sucking just for a quick moment to tell Jason “I wish your Dad had a cock like yours…God you are huge baby!” and then resumed sucking and stroking.
Jason pushed most of his dick into her mouth and made her gag, just as with the other ladies.
He pulled out quickly and let her recover, then gagged her one more time.
All the while Rachel, Diana and Janet were watching with great interest and much giggling.
After recovering her breath for the second time, Linda resumed sucking Jason’s huge dick, but this time only sucked on the head, while stroking the remaining 8 or 9 inches with her hand, increasing the speed until her hand was nearly a blur of motion.
Finally, Jason could feel he was going to explode and that there was no way to avoid it any longer.
He looked down at Linda, who was stroking his cock fast and furious, and told her “I’m gonna cum now… get ready!”
Linda continued stroking as fast as she could and stopped sucking just long enough to say “Come on! Cum in my mouth baby!”
Jason erupted in her mouth, shooting strong spurts of his cum which seemed endless. He knew he shot at least 8 times in her mouth, and she managed to swallow almost all of it.
He saw some of his cum leak out of the corner of her mouth and spill onto the floor, about 2 tablespoons of cum.
Jason struggled to remain standing, he had cum so hard. As his dick slowly began to become semi-hard, Linda was still on her knees lovingly giving his cock little kisses and playful licks, on the head and up and down the length of it, looking up at him and smiling provocatively.
Her 3 girlfriends applauded and Rachel yelled “That’s how it’s done girl ! Good job !!” as they traded high fives.
Linda looked at her girlfriends and still kneeling she raised her fists up, eyes squinting, her head tilted to one side and her mouth open in a celebratory pose, very pleased with herself…. very similar as in the photo here…

She then returned her attention on Jason’s still big cock, giving it gentle kisses and flirty licks. It got down to around 8 inches, semi hard, and then remained there.
Jason reached down and gently slapped Linda’s ass and told her “Fuck.. that was fire! You girls were real sluts tonight, I love it !”
Diana said “Yeah baby, we’re all bad little sluts…because of that huge cock of yours… so get used to it !” and all the ladies laughed.
Jason helped Linda to her feet and they both sat down on the red velvet booth, joined by the 3 other ladies.
He remained there for about 5 minutes, joking with the ladies, telling them that all are award winning cock suckers… and also bad little sluts for cheating on their husbands.
The ladies all giggled playfully, each looking slightly guilty or embarrassed but took no offense at Jason’s jokes.
He gave each of the ladies a kiss on the cheek, thanked each one, and then went off to visit other eager women at other booths.
Part 3 coming soon.. about Diana with Jason when he was 20 minus 8
Part 4 will follow soon after Part 3… which is about the 4 ladies going to Jason’s apartment after the Male Revue at the club, to continue the fun they had at the club.
In the meantime, read about Edna’s Naughty 65th Birthday Party
The story posted here may or may not be true… but if it is true, then…
Names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent and the not-so-innocent.