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500 watt VAWT

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Pacwind, Inc 500 watt VAWT Seahawk Silent, bird friendly, CEC certified,

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Posted August 17th, 2012 in 500 Watt On Line. Tagged: , .


  1. erdetasmaka:

    pretty good…fuckin’ pretty ?

  2. cigoyee:

    my VAWT can charge batteries below? 2m/s, could we co-operate?

  3. jacobklaameyerschool:

    you can make one for $200? easy

  4. jacobklaameyerschool:

    3500 watts not dollars??

  5. gottlieb1899:

    It does if you have a great big electric fan? just out of shot.

  6. goose2goose2:

    they are tits up ! no? longer made.

  7. megaflurg:

    98 miles an hour winds? So if you live in a cyclone…?

  8. seahorsecowboys:

    5? to mph wind there my ass more like 25 !….is that why yall are outta biz-nas ?!


    fill the California Salinas valley? with pack wind wind mills

  10. bastian74:

    Your hair does not? blow sideways at 5-10mph

  11. tpajohnb1:

    WHERE CAN WE BUY A UNIT………as all i can find are crappy plastic one from china….over 3800? just 4 a tubine no controller or any thing at the convention in la last year..A BIG FUKKIN LET DOWN ONLY BIG CO WANTING TO SELL MEGA WATT UNITS AND SIGN LONG TERM LEASES ON YOUR PROPERTY.!!

  12. MrSimongoodchild:

    would? that work?

  13. catalynoo:

    not? me 🙂

  14. JDoubleOP:

    you? mean the boobs 🙂

  15. MrLostonej:

    there not worth? no 3.500 dude…

  16. geristerbackus:

    Not yet, but? buy her toys and she will be. :))

  17. turbopokey:

    I wanna put two of those on? a sailboat(minus the sails, of course) and putt around the world.

  18. JDoubleOP:

    who looked? at boobs first….

  19. solarpanellights:

    I invent the Future of Solar Light technology! There is nothing worldwide even come close to my Products! It saved 80%-90% of Material and Costs! It also can be used to grow up Foot! Full Waterproof, also and a complete Solar Revolution! SEE ALSO THE FIRST SOLAR LED FOOTBALL STADIUM LIGHTS! Have a look on my Chanel, if you like my Products! It is already Patent Pending! With my Invent its first Time possible to use Solar technology in? Areas where they now Solar only from TV!

  20. Haywouldja:

    A frig use is about 400? watts.

  21. Greygor1234567890:

    $3500? This is why people just? build the shit in their backyards.

  22. toratora00008:

    guarda? questo? filmato ciao­4

  23. FireAce44:

    an? LED light

  24. osurfski1:

    5-6 mph there? LOLmore like 15mph 98 mph for 3 months ?in the islands? ? LOL HOLY what? Ya sure I belive you

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