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best way to wire dual 12″ 1,200 watt subs and a 500 watt amp?

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Question by best way to wire dual 12″ 1,200 watt subs and a 500 watt amp?
A couple days ago, i received some Visonik VPB212PK Dual 12″ 1,200 watt subs (I know, beginner subs) and the matching 1000 watt amp from a friend. I’m wondering what the best way to wire the subs to the amplifier is. I am planning on upgrading to a lot better subs when i get the money, but for now this is going to have to do. I purchased a 4 gauge wiring kit because my friend kept his wiring kit for his new subs. I don’t have any of the manuals or anything, but on Amazon it says the subs are 1,200 watt peak (600 Watt RMS) and it says the amp is 1000 watt peak ( 500 watt RMS). The amps features are supposedly 1000 watt peak output at 2 channel bridgeable, and 1 channel 500 watt RMS. does that mean I should wire them with 1 channel at 500 watt RMS? That sounds to me like it’s the better choice because it’s outputting to the amps actual RMS. If that’s the case, how do i wire both subs to one channel? I’ve clearly never wired subs before and any help you can give is much appreciated! Thank you very much.

Best answer:

Answer by Charles
do yourself a favor and buy a good wiring kit,the rest of that stuff your talking about will give you many headaches.but if your going to use it for now go with 4 ohm load and buy good rca cables with the good wiring kit.and put a cur.breaker or a big fuse about a foot off the wiring from the battery to the amp.this is the hardest part of the job running wire and hooking it up right. buy a good wiring kit and rca cables so they will work when you get some better equipment.go to best buy and pick there brain.better equipment is sold on ebay new and used.take a look, car audio.if you dont have a clue dont do the wiring .hire a can burn out your cars comp if you dont know how to wire this equipment.

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Posted August 15th, 2012 in 500 Watt On Amazon. Tagged: , , , , , .

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