Question by Peter Griffin: What can I do to stop my lights from dimming in my car every time my subs kick?
I’ve heard about reducers and capacitors, but what is a cheap, sure fire way to stop this? Im asking this now because i have a 1000 watt amp that already does it and im getting a 2000 watt amp.
Best answer:
Answer by shuman57 get a bigger alternator and a bigger battery if necessary
Question by ryan m: if i get a 1000 watt monoblock rms amp will it power both of my subs full power?
i have 2 kenwood w3012s. got a cheap deal on em. and there 400 watts rms each. will the Ultra Linear 1000 watt rms amp power both subs to full power?
Best answer:
Answer by ahtub they’ll knock its socks off! get it!
Question by billy: What amp would i need for 2 12” alpine type r subs so each sub would get atleast 500 watts rms?
I want an amp so each sub gets its rms (500). Say i bought a 1000 watt mono block amp, could i wire it so each amp got 500 watts?
Best answer:
Answer by sean d bestbuy has those subs so they could tell you. just look at the rms and ohm for your subs and match it with an amp i prefer memphis or kenwood but thats just me
Droppin Low with three 12 inch Orion Subwoofers in an abandoned Parking Lot! Think this is crazy, you aint seen nothin yet! Bassheads Unite! Check Out These Songs! petey pablo – freak-a-leak / freak a leak the pack – im shinin three 6 mafia / 3 6 mafia – late nite tip / late night tip young jeezy – welcome back Pioneer DEH-P6000ub Clarion Eqs746 (1) Alpine MRP-M500 (1) Alpine MRP-M1000 (3) Orion HP12 @ 2 ohms Orion Cobalt 5.25’s Polk DB 5×7’s Polk DB 6×9’s Big Three in 0 Gauge MCR 200 amp H/O Alternator (2) Power Akustic PCX’5 Caps Pretty Good For What I Paid, or is it three six mafia – late nite tip ?
Question by ricardodorval: What amp would be best for my 2 Pioneer 12 inch subs?
I have 2 12’s pioneer brand, idk what the rms is but i took a look at it and it says 400nom./ 1000 watt max., I would like to know what kinda amp i need,how much watts etc. and a good brand so i could rape my trunk when i play em.
Best answer:
Answer by AJ Malmer 400 nom. is nominal, meaning “nominal” value is “de facto” rather than an exact, typical, or average measurement.
I.E., Pioneer is saying ~400 watt continuous because music isn’t exact so it’s difficult to put an exact figure on the wattage.
The GM-8500M is a good match for those subs.
I started off with a 12″ sony xplod speaker and a 450 watt amp, then I upgraded to a 1000 watt amp, now my sound system is done with 2 speakers and my 1000 watt amp, I also replaced all my othe speakers. “If My car can’t look good, then it’ll sound amazing” 😛
Question by logan b: What amp should i get for two 10 inch subs?
Ok so im getting two Alpine type r 10 inch subs for my car, i need to know if i should get a 1000 watt amp to power them or a 600 Watt amp. The speakers have 600 watt RMS capacity, and 1800 watt peak. Pleas help!
Best answer:
Answer by Big John Horton Well if you are going two channel you could go with 2,000 watts to give each 1,000 and so on.
If you are going mono I would go with something like 900 watts or so
Question by Willey: How to hook up subs to stock cd player?
I just bought a 1000 watt amp and a stock cd player for my 1999 Pontiac Sunfire 4-door sedan. I am currently in the process of purchasing replacement speakers for each of the doors. I need instructions on how to hook all of these together so the speakers and the subs power from the amp.
Best answer:
Answer by brandon y theres a connection at best buy its $ 26.00 but i use mine all the time and it works perfectly never had a problem but just make sure that it has the yellow thing at the end
Question by Bass Needer: Setting up 2 15 inch Lanzar Subs and 1 5000 watt Legacy amp?
okay, so im sort of a newbie when it comes to car audio installation. okay, so im planning on buying 2 Lanzar 15 inch max pro subs. Each sub says it peaks at 2000 watts, so i figured i might as well buy a high powered amp, for max power. Then amp is a legacy 5000 watt 2 channel, bridgeable, amp. my suv has 1 500 watt amp already set up with one 10 inch sub. what i want to do is unhook the 10 inch sub, split the av cords to hook up my second beast amp with the 2 lanzar 15 inch subs. because i want to keep the speakers hooked up to the original amp so i do not need a amp with more channels, and i can focus all of the power into the 2 subs, for max bass. i know that i might need another battery to power all this, but i had help from a friend, and he said a capacitor should do the job, instead of buying a whole another battery. is this set up okay? ill provide links to the products im going to buy:
Lanzar 15inch sub:
Legacy 5000 watt amp:
Best answer:
Answer by Jeremy I would reccommend a red top batt and capacitor, capacitor helps sound quality but doesnt exactly resolve the battery issue with a 5000w+ system
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