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Footloose: Nursing School Style

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This is what happens while finals come sneaking around the corner, when you realize the semester is almost over, when you can’t quite take it anymore, and when all of Baylor Louis Herrington faculty of Nursing cuts footloose!

Heather received the Presidential Scholarship as a freshman at Saint Xavier school because of her good grades, and she has continued to benefit from it in her four years in the nursing program. Heather is president of the Student Nurses Association and says her decision to attend SXU was the best she made. “I feel like I know each one of my professors right here in a way that people who go to larger schools might not have. It’s very personal here.” See for yourself why Saint Xavier University is “Investing in the Work Force of the 21st Century” at

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Posted May 5th, 2012 in Mercy School Of Nursing. Tagged: , , , .


  1. KellyThundercloud:

    THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!? great dancing u guys!

  2. EmploymentNurses:

    Funny? stuff!

  3. pinkglitter21100:

    that one guy? was really good! good video

  4. SuperCeesay1:

    If you want to be rich? and wealthy as a nurse try nursingsuccesssolutions(dot)com

  5. BoyToyRoyy:

    2:17? hahahahha

  6. Hamstergirl71:

    This was adorable and brought? back many good memories. Good job!!

  7. kylie2371:

    I’m a nurse and just loved this video? 🙂

  8. AnimeNox:

    AWWWWW! How fun! I’m a? nursing student and I’m just dragging! It’s awesome to see you guys cutting loose! Ah, so jealous!

  9. nohopepope2187:

    3:21 LMFAO?

  10. JordanLeigh19:


  11. doctorjoey2325:

    As a 20 year RN ….. I? LOVE IT, go to work, HAVE FUN, keep the SPIRIT !!
    When the job isn’t fun anymore, it’s time to change it.

  12. lazydaisyRN:

    This is really cute! We were crazy like that, and that was? 1967-1970!

  13. cecilbatt11:

    @1:33 oh working it big man! Added to favorites. You guys and? gals earned it!

  14. dangia2005:

    Very? cute!!! 🙂

  15. bumcykcyk901:

    I’m a student nurse and? sometimes I’m shuffilin’..

  16. jaredhu19:

    kenny? loggins sucks

  17. jazziejp89:

    Great? video

  18. mc23g:

    This is? so sick lol

  19. Zekzt:

    The fat? guy ROX xD

  20. Wolfgirljc:


  21. Wolfgirljc:


  22. spencerspot1:

    I didn’t? mention it being hard. I questioned how they had the extra time. Cause it certainly takes a lot of your time.

  23. blahblahblahdd23:

    Lucky. Ya’ll didn’t? have to wear white uniforms 😛

  24. blahblahblahdd23:

    haha,? yea right.

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