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#health Seasonal37 – Cold Remedy – Fast Acting Cold Relief – All Natural Herbal Immune Booster Cold Flu Cough Respiratory Congestion, Elderberry, Ginger & Echinacea Herb 2oz – SEASONAL37 by Clyor

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Seasonal37 – Cold Remedy – Fast Acting Cold Relief – All Natural Herbal Immune Booster Cold Flu Cough Respiratory Congestion, Elderberry, Ginger & Echinacea Herb 2oz – SEASONAL37 by Clyor

  • QUICK COLD RELIEF: Seasonal37 by Clyor has been known to relieve colds quickly and effectively. Its fast acting formula makes it perfect for the vocal professional, helping to protect your voice from being affected by the strains of illness.
  • VOICE & THROAT PROTECTION: These herbal drops for the common cold ensure that voice and throat remain lubricated throughout the heeling process, protecting your voice from the dryness and strain caused by traditional medicine.
  • NEW BRAND PROVEN QUALITY: Formerly Sprouts, Clyor’s remedies have a long track record of success and effectiveness. These supplements are created in partnership with professions vocalists and singers.
  • CAREER VOCALISTS: Do you sing, act or speak? This is the solution for you! Singers, public speakers, orators, theater performers and actors will greatly benefit from fast relief without negative impact on their voice.
  • NATURE IN A BOTTLE: This common cold remedy is alcohol free. It is vegetarian based, including Echinacea Herb, Red Root, Green Tea, Elderberry, Thyme, Red Clover, Ginger & more. Enjoy nature’s healthiest and best.

Seasonal changes take their toll on everyone, but for professionals who rely on their voice performance, the problem needed to be addressed. Season37 by Clyor was designed to combat the coldest of winters! As performers ourselves, we understand the need to avoid and prevent seasonal strains on the voice at all costs, and we are proud to say that we use Season37 ourselves. The results are incredible! Avoid croaky and hoarse voice brought about by the season

List Price: $ 35.00

Price: $ 35.00

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