How to hook up subs to stock cd player?
Question by Willey: How to hook up subs to stock cd player?
I just bought a 1000 watt amp and a stock cd player for my 1999 Pontiac Sunfire 4-door sedan. I am currently in the process of purchasing replacement speakers for each of the doors. I need instructions on how to hook all of these together so the speakers and the subs power from the amp.
Best answer:
Answer by brandon y
theres a connection at best buy its $ 26.00 but i use mine all the time and it works perfectly never had a problem but just make sure that it has the yellow thing at the end
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the speakers and amp have instructions.. if i explain it here you could get confused.. this persons direction are pretty acurate ok.
November 17th, 2012 at 2:15 am