How would the price of operating outdoor gas lights compare with electrical lights?
Question by : How would the price of operating outdoor gas lights compare with electrical lights?
decorative outdoor lamps – which would cost more to operate: gas or electrical?
Best answer:
Answer by James
Well, to put things in perspective, if you leave a 60 watt light bulb on for, lets say, 4 hrs., thats 4 x 60 watt/hrs. or, 4 x .06 kWatt/hrs. (1000 watt-hours), or .24 kWatt hrs. Now, if your electric company is charging you, again lets just say, $ 0.10 per kW/hr., thats about 2 and half cents to run that light for the 4 hrs. Bump that up to 4 light fixtures, and your cost jumps to a whopping 8 cents to run those lamps for 4 hrs! Oh my god! Just kidding. Now, I can’t speak for the gas prices and how much it would cost to run 4 gas fixtures for 4 hours, but I would have to assume it would be some amount more than the electric ones.
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