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Posts Tagged ‘Would’

How would a security company employer look upon a criminal justice degree earned online?

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Question by Jake: How would a security company employer look upon a criminal justice degree earned online?
i want to get an online criminal justice degree online from either troy state university, or pheonix, but i’m wondering if my employer would, say, think i took the easy way of getting my degree, or frown uponme having earned my degree online. of course i would be applying to either a police department or a private security company. 10 points to the most explained answer;<) thanks todd. i'll vote u best answer, and yes i'm refering to troy in alabama. i'm near birmingham Best answer:

Answer by newyorkgal71
I doubt if it would be taken seriously. Go to a well-respected University and get a legitimate Crimial Justice Degree.

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What would be best way to go about marketing a new online dating website?

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Question by Vane Carr: What would be best way to go about marketing a new online dating website?
A friend of mine is investing a lot of time, money, and resources into launching an online dating website. What would be the best way to launch the site? How best should it be marketed? Where and how should it be marketed online? What kind of offline marketing should be used? Anybody know anything about Ad Networks and how a site can generate revenue from them? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks for all the answers so far!!

Best answer:

Answer by yellowsubfreak

This website is great for web advertising. It’s a free targeted advertising (based on you selecting various categories you would like to be included in) and link exchange network. You put other websites text ads on your page and yours appears on others. And it really is 100% free, forever. While it’s not something that guarantees traffic it also doesn’t cost anything, so why not try it?

Good luck!

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What are some good websites or softwares that would help with internet marketing?

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Question by Bruce: What are some good websites or softwares that would help with internet marketing?
I’m getting my feet wet in internet marketing and there’s so much information that I’m feeling overwhelmed! Which sites or software do you use to help you? Are there any advice you can give me?

Best answer:

Answer by farming_australia
Depending on the type of internet marketing you are looking at doing there are different sites to help you out.

The obvious website is Google Adwords-

If affiliate marketing is something you want to look into checkout websites such as

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Q&A: What would you say is the best way to make money online?

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Question by : What would you say is the best way to make money online?
I’ve been doing myLot and just started InboxDollars. What do you think is the best way to make money online? If you post your referral link, I’ll be sure to use it if i sign up! Please tell me why your site is the best site for online money making and what I have to do in order to earn that money. I don’t want to go blindly clicking. Thanks in advance, guys!

Best answer:

Answer by Frogdots

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If Im starting my own internet marketing business? What steps would you recommend me to do?

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Question by Arin E. K: If Im starting my own internet marketing business? What steps would you recommend me to do?
If Im starting my own internet marketing business? What steps would you recommend me to do? Would you recommend Affiliate? Publisher? Advertising? Pay Per Click? Im new so PLEASE HELP!
Would you say these will be good steps to take to become successful?

Best answer:

Answer by MarcapPub
If you are starting your own Internet Marketing business, you should already know steps you need to take. My advice would be to choose another business….one that you know more about.

What do you think? Answer below!

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What would make you click on a Make Money Online review video on YouTube?

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FREE Videos “REVEAL” How To Build Cash Sucking Amazon Affiliate Sites That Each Crank Out $ 150 to $ 700 A Month On Complete Auto-Pilot at

Question by unstr810d: What would make you click on a Make Money Online review video on YouTube?
Assuming you were looking for ways to make money online, of course.
So what would make you want to click?
Is it the title? The description? The picture?

What if the thumbnail had a picture of someone dressed like a pirate or something really stupid like that? Would that make you click?

If not, then what would?

Thanks for you feedback.

Best answer:

Answer by hikarihime9029
I wouldn’t click on those to begin with because I know that it is usually a scam or there is some type of hidden catch.

But I click on one once and all the title said was something like “Make money online” or something like that. I was interested to see what it was talking about so I clicked.

I don’t recall a picture or any fancy description, but the title got my curiosity and that was all it took.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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How much would a 1000 watt heater cost to operate for a whole month?

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Question by james T: How much would a 1000 watt heater cost to operate for a whole month?
How much would a 1000 watt heater cost to operate for a whole month?
For you…. tell me the cost per watt if the heater is on 12 hours a day

Best answer:

Answer by gordon1212
1000 watts is a kilowatt which cost vary depending on your local supplier but lets say 7 cents per kilowatt per hour times 12 hrs =84cents

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what would be a good amplifier for one audiobahn alum12n 2000 watt sub?

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Question by Gloria: what would be a good amplifier for one audiobahn alum12n 2000 watt sub?
I just bought this sub which came with a vented box and I looking for an amp. The spec of the sub says that it is 1000 watts RMS and 2000 watts peak. Im a new at this and all i know is that i need a 2 channel mono amp with at least 1000 watts. I don’t know what amp I should get. any help? thanks

Best answer:

Answer by N2Audio
“2 channel mono amp” is actually a contradiction in terms.

There are 2 channel amps that can be bridged and USED as a mono amps, and there are simply mono amps.

Also, you don’t need “at least” 1000 watts. 1000w rms is just the suggested limit for powering it.
The sub would run well with anything in the 500-1000w rms range.
And in terms of car amps power is money, so if you’re on a tight budget and don’t need every last bit of output the sub can give you a 500 or 600w amp may be all you need.

For something around 1000w rms I would recommend a mono amp — preferably class D.

The issue with that sub is its dual 6 ohm voice coils giving you wiring options of 12 or 3 ohms, seen here in the top two images:

12 ohms is not a practical option.
So you’re left looking for an amp capable of the power you want at 3 ohms. Most mono amps are designed to operate optimally at either 1 or 2 ohms — although there are a few that will produce the same amt of power from 1.5-4 or 2-4 ohms, but they do tend to be pretty pricey.

Anyway – here are a few options…

This is about as cheap as you can go and still get reasonable performance out of the sub. The amp is over-rated. It claims around 750w at 3 ohms. My guess is you might get 600 or so. Quite a bit of power for the price:

If you’re a little more concerned about quality and something that will (should) last a while at around 500w :

good amt of power (750) and quality:

If you want good quality AND around 1000w rms you’d need something along the lines of:

You will also need a good quality 4 awg amp kit which will cost you $ 50-90. You want something with at least a 100A fuse.

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What Would You Do? Baby Monitor

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What would you do if ABC kept stealing your work?
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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what would be the best pc for being super fast, super smooth at gaming and quick at processing?

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Question by : what would be the best pc for being super fast, super smooth at gaming and quick at processing?

I would like it to be good and cheap (mainly for gaming)

Best answer:

Answer by Jim
I just put this computer together for a lady here, for around$ 1000, you might be interested in the build:

Well, if you are sub-$ 1000 you probably are smart to go with an AMD based computer. The AMD X 4 965 Black CPU is probably the best you can hope for and keep the other costs under control. AMD is coming out with a 6 core processor in May (sometime next month), but in order to take advantage of that extra two cores, you have to have multithreaded applications. The critical aspect of SIMS3 game is Pixel Shader 2.0. Most of the middle range video cards will run Pixel Shader 3.0 or better these days, so that is not the problem. You want to DEFINITELY stay away from LOW END VIDEO CARDS – this is the killer. You want to have either an ASUS or a GIGABYTE motherboard. Stay away from MSI, they have slid down the hill as far as I am concerned. Generally, 6 gigs of RAM is sufficient if you are talking Windows 7 Ultimate edition 64 bit.

Notice here, this is the list of the best AMD cpu’s on the market right now, 4 cores:…

And the top of the line is the 965 as you can see, which is an AM3 socket cpu.

I would suggest that you build the computer yourself to save money. You will generally save about $ 100 – $ 150 by building it yourself and it takes about 12 steps and 3 – 4 hours to put one together.
It can take a day or two to install the operating system and troubleshoot basic problems, but generally speaking, Windows 7 is very stable. You want a 64 bit operating system version and not the crappy 32 bit version.

The real costs in a computer are the CPU, motherboard, video card, RAM, followed by the case cost, power supply, cpu cooler and thermal paste for the CPU.

$ 180 – AMD 965…

$ 130 – Gigabyte GA-890GPA-UD3H

This is Gigabytes best AM3 cpu motherboard right now and it even supports the upcoming 6 core processor:…

This motherboard can support up to 16 gigs of RAM of the following:

Support for DDR3 1866(OC)/1333/1066 MHz memory modules

If I were you I wouldn’t go with the highest speed RAM in order to maintain stability, so either 1333 or 1066 DDR3 RAM, 4 gigs of ram taking up two of the four slots should be sufficient for now to play SIMS 3:

$ 124.99 Mushkin Enhanced Blackline 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666) Desktop Memory Model 996832 – Mushkin tends to be a high end gamer ram and this has a cas latency timing of 7 so it should be one of the best ones.…

$ 64.99, Zahlman AM3 Fan/Heatsink Cooler for CPU…

$ 55.99 – Western Digital 500 Gig hard drive

Western Digital Caviar Blue WD5000AAKS 500GB 7200 RPM 16MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5″ Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive…

$ 180 – Antec 900 Case with 650 Watt PSU…

$ 139.99 – ATI HD 5750, MSI…

$ 21.99 – Samsung DVD Writer…

You can get a tube of thermal paste, which you will need for the CPU and heatsink from Newegg.
$ 1.99.

I am limited to the number of links I can make, so just look it up under thermal paste on Newegg.

OK – Now, this would be a great computer for playing your SIMS3, and I did a lot of price comparisons to get here. This comes UNDER your $ 900 at $ 899.

Now the last problem I forsee, is that it DOES NOT include the operating system cost. I can’t get around this without downgrading you on a lot of the parts to something INFERIOR. So I am going to leave this the way it is and give you a link to Windows 7 OEM Edition, $ 99.99 on newegg UNTIL 4/30 and this is a good deal, will save you some money, but you have to buy it by 4/30…

Well, that is the best I could do for you with the time I have. I know it runs $ 100 over what you wanted, but its better than some junk computer of lesser quality.

What do you think? Answer below!

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