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i want to buy a 2 channel amp but i dont know what size to buy?

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Question by : i want to buy a 2 channel amp but i dont know what size to buy?
Just bought a 500 watt fusion encounter 15 inch! at the same shop there is a 900 watt amp which is well priced or a 1400 watt one even cheaper online
i want the best sound but i dont want to wreck my precious sub so should i got for one of these or a different one altogether?
also a 450w amp is online VERY cheap!

Best answer:

Answer by NGAMotorsports
It really depends on the brand of the amp, i would probably go with the 900 watt amp if you are debating between the 900 and the 1400 watt ones.

If the 450 is max you probably wont get enough power out of it.

You might also wanna look at a smaller mono-block amp.

What do you think? Answer below!

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Posted July 27th, 2012 in Cheap 500 Watt Online. Tagged: , , , , .


  1. N2Audio:

    Looks like the Encounter 15 is 250w rms. It won’t take much of an amp to power it. These big numbers you’re throwing out all sound like peak ratings which are not worth paying any attention to.
    You will be running the amp bridged at 4 ohms so you want to find something that is 250-300w rms when bridged.
    From Fusion: Just enough power – RE-AM45020, MORE than enough power – PP-AM60020

    Other options:
    Cheap but effective –
    Decent quality – good power:

    This size amp is VERY common. There are literally hundreds of options.

  2. Tina:

    If you choose speakers and amplifiers, the best and most cost effective, we recommend Pyle now he has reduced the price. And a very low cost.

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