FREE Videos “REVEAL” How To Build Cash Sucking Amazon Affiliate Sites That Each Crank Out $ 150 to $ 700 A Month On Complete Auto-Pilot at how to make money online make money online how to make money online make money online how to make money how to make mon… Video Rating: 5 / 5
I know these subs are not good quality but i don’t care anything is a step up from the factory stereo in my car now. These are my two dual 12 inch subwoofers free airing and not doing that bad for 50$ a peice. The subs are being powered by my 500 watt jvc stereo. I have to still build a box for them but they are really good subs for the price.
Question by dave: i want a 1000 watt amp but i dont know what brand of amp to buy.?
im gonna be pushing two 12 inch “daul” speakers. there 550 watts each but i think a 1000 watt amp will be fine. but im wondering what brand of amp i should buy.soo they sound good . PLUS so my system hits hard. OH and i dont have to much money to be spending. soo a good but not to much money amp.
Best answer:
Answer by Magley64…SF you’re already running generic speakers, just get a generic amp, you really won’t notice the difference…
Question by : i want to buy a 2 channel amp but i dont know what size to buy?
Just bought a 500 watt fusion encounter 15 inch! at the same shop there is a 900 watt amp which is well priced or a 1400 watt one even cheaper online
i want the best sound but i dont want to wreck my precious sub so should i got for one of these or a different one altogether?
also a 450w amp is online VERY cheap!
Best answer:
Answer by NGAMotorsports It really depends on the brand of the amp, i would probably go with the 900 watt amp if you are debating between the 900 and the 1400 watt ones.
If the 450 is max you probably wont get enough power out of it.
You might also wanna look at a smaller mono-block amp.
Question by In NEED OF INFO: Are there any speeded up nursing BSN systems that do not require you to have a BS/BA?
Best answer:
Answer by iSpeakTheTruth No, the whole point of accelerated BSN programs are that the applicant has already completed a general education core in their former bachelor’s program, so they don’t have to take those courses over but only focus on prerequisite and nursing specific coursework.
Know better? Leave your own solution in the comments!
Question by Renee B: What group colleges dont have the ready list for the RN Program in california?
I recognize only one faculty and would like to know if there is more? This school dose not have a waiting record and it is going by an instructional scoring machine and a lottery system. 75% of the scholars goes by high academic points and the 25% of the students goes by their name pulled in the lottery. I was hoping there are other schools that do that in California. Are there any? If so,… What college are they? Please be appropriate. Thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by artificially sweet What part of California are you in?
I best know of the community colleges in Orange County.
I know that Golden West, Cypress and Santa Ana..and I THINK Cerritos College go by a lottery system. .9999 silver or 99.99(4×9’s) silver is exactly the same silver purity. Buying Purity matters when dealing with anything in life and SAME goes for Precious Metals. But right now because Canada is so small of a population and most investors aren’t aware the purity factor… Video Rating: 4 / 5
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