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need some subs for my car but not sure which to get.?

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Question by josh: need some subs for my car but not sure which to get.?
i have a 2000 explorer so firstly space isnt a big issue. i had 2 12inch rockfords 400 rms but my rockford bd1001 blew them after a long long drive, im guessing they just overheated. money isnt a huge issue but im not looking to spend too too much. i had diamond subs before and i really liked them but im not sure how well they can hold up, i dont want to have to buy new ones because they overheated and died. ive been looking around for other subs and come across a brand called massive audio. now i dont know much about them but the 12 i was looking at was 2000rms and 6000 peak. now that is a bit of overkill imo, but im sure it would handel the bd like nothing. so what would you suggest? also would it be best to go 1 12 inch? 2 12’s? assuming if i got 1 12 it could handle the 1000+ watts where if i went 2 12’s combined they would handle the power, such as something like 500-600 rms each. sorry for the long post. thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Felix Arcanus
get u some bazooka tubes..they hit real hard

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Posted September 8th, 2012 in Where Can You Buy 1000 Watt. Tagged: , , , , .


  1. FallenSun:

    bazooka tubes don’t hit hard at all. if you want something 500 to 600rms, go with some kicker L5’s. Now those hit hard. i honestly think that 2 12’s will produce more bass though, but you could also look into infinity kappa’s as well. These are more pricey subs but they will get the job done and last a long time.

  2. dj_ar_bis:;jsessionid=1546f7d153d3cf5/shopdata/0015_BL/product_overview.shopscript go with this sub it will kill any sub out there jl audio kicker dd ed ppi u pick and it kills and it will be there for the long run

  3. sparky3489:

    If your total system power is 1000 watts RMS or more, you will need to:

    1. Upgrade the alternator to a high output alternator
    2. Upgrade to a heavy duty deep cycle battery
    3. Upgrade the “Big 3” – that is to replace the power wire between the battery and alternator, the ground from the battery to the chassis and the ground strap from the engine/tranny to the chassis with at least 1/0 AWG wire.

    Failure to do this will result in you replacing them anyway as the alternator will eventually fail.

    Here is a guide that will calculate what size alternator and power wires you need

    See my site for more info

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