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Q&A: Did I get ripped off on my sub system/amp for my car? Kicker 12′ and Arc Audio 500 watt?

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Question by M G Walker: Did I get ripped off on my sub system/amp for my car? Kicker 12′ and Arc Audio 500 watt?
Basically I got a system today.
I drive a small 2009 Sports Jetta so, keep that in mind

Basically, I got a 500 Watt Arc Audio
And a 500 Watt(?) CompVR boxed Kicker 12′ Subwoofer,
+A switch underneath the wheel

All for $ 340. Now, heres the *#@$ ed up part- I didn’t get my receipt some how along the line so I’m not even sure how much I spent on which specific part!

It hits pretty hard but not as hard as I’d like, but I’m unsure of if its ripped off / bad brand / too low maximum price range, so if you could help me out with this thats much appreciated

Did I get ripped off?
Is it the brands?
Is this expected with my maximum money?

Lastly, some one offered me their system for 250 which has two 12′ subs and I’m getting the details soon- if you’re knowledgeable & kind enough you think you could give me a way to contact you my helper so I can figure out if the deal this guy is offering me is good?
Thanks In Advance

Best answer:

Answer by odinsragess
Thats not a bad price including install, at all. Arc audio is a TOP quality brand, and kicker CVR’s are very popular.

Your other deal, might be 250 dollars, but it might be crap equipment. The arc audio amp is what costs the most in your setup, its a high end brand.

Try opening the “ski hole” between the rear seat to let more bass enter the cabin. I know the new jetta trunks are pretty well sealed off from the cabin.

Email me if you have more questions.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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Posted September 4th, 2012 in 500 Watt On Line. Tagged: , , , , .

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