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Q&A: How much electricity does a 1000 Watt Microwave consumes in 1 minute?

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Question by SweetCorn: How much electricity does a 1000 Watt Microwave consumes in 1 minute?
Is it affordable to use a microwave for cooking.

Best answer:

Answer by Bobby E
Electricity is a very vague term for asking this question. Do you mean energy?

If so, P = E/t where P is power in watts, E is energy in joules and t is time in seconds.

1000 = E/60
E = 60 000 J

Add your own answer in the comments!

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Posted September 16th, 2012 in Affordable 1000 Watt. Tagged: , , , , , , .


  1. shantanu:

    1000W = 1kW
    1min = 1/60 hr = 0.0166 hr

    Energy consumed = 1*0.0166 kWhr = 0.0166 units

    So it is affordable to use a Microwave

  2. consumerismsux:

    “shantanu” is correct. You asked for electricity used (not energy – Joules).

  3. tinkertailorcandlestickmaker:

    I’m not completely sure, but I believe that the rated power of a microwave oven is the power that is output by the magnetron, since the power supply and the magnetron it self are not 100% efficient, the power consumed by the microwave will probably be more. Fore example the label on the back of my microwave says: input power 1450watts, output power 1000watts.
    If I ran mine for 1 hour it would consume 1.45kWh, in one minute that would be about 0.025kWh, at the price I pay for electricity that would cost about 1/4 US cent, or a more practical value, it takes a little less than 2 minutes to heat a cup water for tea, costing less than 1/2cent, or a frozen dinner that takes 6 minutes cost about 1.5 cents to heat, seems affordable to me

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