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A MUST HAVE TO MAINTAIN NATURAL TROPICAL HABITAT FOR BETTA — In nature, betta fish are often found in warm and hot waters in low altitude areas such as Burma and Thailand. For the healthiest and most active betta, it is important that their environment be as close as possible to their natural habitat. Since betta are accustomed to consistent tropical temperatures, having an effective betta thermometer is essential to ensure the perfect temperature for your pet fish.
EASILY MONITOR YOUR BETTA TANK WATER TEMPERATURE — When it comes to monitor the water temperature of your betta tank, the most useful tool you can find is an aquarium thermometer. Don’t let your betta tell you it’s too cold or hot in the tank for them, by getting ill, and risk losing them. The cost-effective, Peel & Stick Betta Thermometer by SunGrow quickly tells you the temperature at a quick glance any time, so that you can make potentially life saving adjustments to your betta tank water.
SIMPLE, PRACTICAL, EASY TO READ & SETUP — Designed to be simple to read and easy to attach (just peel and stick), the paper thin 5.2″ tall by 0.7″ wide (13cm x 1.8cm), SunGrow Betta Thermometer is all black with the temperature measurements written in white. Using color indication, the water temperature that the thermometer reads will change to a blue color on the measurement scale. The measurement range is 64-93 degrees Fahrenheit or 18-34 degrees Celsius.
HELPS PROTECT BETTA FROM DISEASES LIKE FUR COAT SYNDROME — As they are so sensitive to water temperature changes, betta are particularly susceptible to diseases such as Fur Coat Syndrome. It is a dermal bacterial infection that discolors betta’s fins and covers your fish in a furry mold. Fur Coat Syndrome is nearly always fatal within 30 hrs of symptoms showing and is highly contagious. However, this disease is easily prevented if you keep your betta’s water between 78° to 80° Fahrenheit.
ENSURE HAPPINESS & LONGEVITY OF BETTA WITH — Being able to quickly and accurately read your betta tank’s water temperature is essential to keeping your betta fish healthy. The betta thermometer that you choose needs to be reliable and provide you with an factual reading at a glance. Changes in water temperature can greatly stress out betta fish and seriously harm their immune system. Using the practical Peel & Stick Betta Thermometer, you ensure the happiness and longevity of your fish.
Where should I place the Peel & Stick Betta Thermometer? To be the most effective, the sticker betta thermometer by SunGrow should be stuck to the outside of your betta tank away from any heat source such as light bulbs or heat pumps. This ensures you receive the most accurate reading and can adjust your water temperature accordingly.
Why do I need to monitor the temperature of my betta tank water? To keep your betta fish healthy, happy and active, make sure that they always have
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