Q&A: What is the best amp head and cab for an electric guitar under $1000?
Question by Hijax: What is the best amp head and cab for an electric guitar under 00?
I need to upgrade my amp from a little 30 watt Randall, so I figured that I should just get a half stack. My main instrument is a Paul Reed Smith SE Paul Allender. I want a half stack that sounds similar distortion-wise to alternative and punk. I also need it to be loud for playing at small to medium-sized gigs. Whether it is a tube amp or not doesn’t matter.
Best answer:
Answer by JW
A great amp head is the Marshall JCM 100 watt tube head. A awesome cab for it is the Marshall 1960 4×12 cab. they are usually available for less that $ 1000 for the head and $ 800 for the head. I have played them and the sound very good, probably the best sounding amp i have ever played on.
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If you get a tube amp I wouldn’t go over 40 – 50 watts. You’ll never crank a 100 watt tube head up enough to get any saturation. The Bogner Alchemist is $ 1400 but a killer amp.
November 25th, 2012 at 2:05 am