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Posts Tagged ‘Head’

#health Curaseb | #1 Dog Ear Infection Treatment – Solves Itching, Head Shaking, Discharge & Smelly Ears Due to Mites, Yeast & Bacteria – Veterinarian Formulated – 100% Empty Bottle Satisfaction Guarantee

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Curaseb | #1 Dog Ear Infection Treatment – Solves Itching, Head Shaking, Discharge & Smelly Ears Due to Mites, Yeast & Bacteria – Veterinarian Formulated – 100% Empty Bottle Satisfaction Guarantee

  • ? #1 PET EAR INFECTION MEDICATION FOR DOGS & CATS: Most Ear Infections Are Caused by Bacteria, Yeast & Fungus. Curaseb Ear Flush is Vet Formulated to Give a Knock-Out Punch to These Unwelcome Visitors. Give Us A Week, and Kiss Those Smelly & Gunky Ears Goodbye.
  • ? ANTI-FUNGAL, ANTI-BACTERIAL & ANTI-YEAST: Our Proprietary Formula Contains Prescription Grade Ketoconazole (Antifungal & Anti-Yeast) & Tris-EDTA (Antibacterial) Which Combine to Create a Veterinary Grade Ear Flush to Fight Stubborn Ear Infections.
  • ? TOPICAL SOLUTION FOR VARIOUS SKIN ISSUES: You Could Use It On SKIN Too! Our Alcohol-Free Antimicrobial Formula Can Be Used On Your Pets Various Skin Problems like RASHES, SCALY PATCHES & ACNE. Soothing Aloe Will Help Give Some Welcome Relief to Those Problem Areas.
  • ? GENTLY CLEANS AND FLUSHES EARS: Our Water Based Aloe-Infused Ear Flush is Tough on Ear Infections, but Gentle Enough to Flush Away Debris and Deodorize Your Pets Ears Leaving Behind our Signature Cucumber Melon Scent.
  • ? PAWS PROMISE: We Are So Confident in Your Satisfaction with Our Product That If You Don’t Absolutely Love the Results You Get, Return it for a Full Refund. Even if the Bottle is Empty. There is No Risk; You have Nothing to Lose.

Curaseb its the #1 Dog Ear Infection Treatment for Dogs and Cats. It helps solves Itching, Head Shaking, Discharge & Smelly Ears Due to Mites, Yeast & Bacteria – Veterinarian Formulated. Ingredients: Active: Ketoconazole .1% Inactive: Purified Water, SDA-40, Nonoxynol-9, Benzyl Alcohol, Disodium EDTA, Tromethamine Technical Grade, Fragrance Cautions:For topical external use on dogs and cats only. DO NOT USE ON BROKEN SKIN, IF BLOOD IS PRESENT, OR ON RUPTURED EAR DRUMS. Avoid contact with eyes.

List Price: $ 29.99

Price: $ 17.95

Pure Essence Labs Candex – Natural Candida Cleanse Support Supplement for Yeast Infection Treatment with No Die off Reaction – 40 Capsules

  • CLINCALLY PROVEN SAFE, EFFECTIVE: Studies show that Candex is a safe, effective Candida treatment for both men and women
  • FAST RESULTS, NO DIE OFF: Feel better in 10 days with no Candida die off symptoms
  • FEW DIETARY RESTRICTIONS: You can eat all your favorite foods, within reason
  • MADE IN USA IN cGMP CERTIFIED FACILITY: Consistent quality from one of America’s premier supplement manufacturers
  • 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If you’re not completely delighted with your results, we’ll happily refund your entire purchase price, including any taxes your state might charge

THE CANDEX STORY IN A NUTSHELL: Candida yeast is everywhere. You simply can’t keep it out of your body. Normally, it does no harm, because your healthy probiotics prevent it from growing beyond reasonable limits. Birth control pills, chlorinated water, antibiotics and other lifestyle factors can devastate probiotic populations, thus opening the door to Candida overgrowth. Because Candida is always present, there is no real Candida cure. Thus, success lies in keeping its population within accep

List Price: $ 22.99

Price: $ 21.91

100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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TC Electronic BH-500 Head review @

Find The Lowest Price HERE – 500 Watt RMS (1000 Watt peak) – 4-band EQ – Bass, Lo-Mid, Hi-Mid, Treble. – TweeterToneT – Front panel tweeter level control. – hochwertiger Kompressor, mit nur einem Regler perfekt dosierbar – TubeToneT – Emulation Röhren-Vor- und Endstufe – 3 frei programmierbare Speicherplätze – Tuner – eingebautes Stimmgerät, das das Signal stumm schaltet – Contourregler – 2 Modi – AUX In- Cinch-Anschluß für MP3-Player oder CD – Kopfhörer-Ausgang, der das Ausgangssignal stumm schaltet – hochwertiger DI-Ausgang (XLR) pre/post schaltbar – Abmessungen (BxHxT): 462 x 135 x 380 mm
Video Rating: 4 / 5

I love this little cheap video card for HTPC. I am using a HP Pavilion a1510n with Windows XP 2005, Athlon 64 x2 2.2GHz, 3GB of Ram, and 500 Watt Power Supply. GeForce your PC for the ultimate performance upgrade needed to accelerate your digital life. Stream HD movies faster and render high-res photos instantly. Bring home the 3D theatre experience with Blu-ray 3D and NVIDIA GeForce — over 400 titles available in 3D. Supercharge your favorite applications and push the limits of your Web experience with a new generation of GPU-accelerated browsers like Internet Explorer 9. Level-up your game with the next-generation gaming architecture built from the ground up for DirectX 11. Powered by NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 GPU, the GV-N430OC-1GL comes with 128-bit DDR3 high speed graphics memory and higher default GPU clock. It features Gigabyte Ultra Durable 2 components to guarantee the lowest operating temperature and longer product life. For cooling solution, Gigabyte designs brand new low profile inclined dual fan for the entry level graphics card. The GV-N430OC-1GL offers a cost-efficient solution for high-quality HD home theater.

100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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Q&A: What is the best amp head and cab for an electric guitar under $1000?

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Question by Hijax: What is the best amp head and cab for an electric guitar under 00?
I need to upgrade my amp from a little 30 watt Randall, so I figured that I should just get a half stack. My main instrument is a Paul Reed Smith SE Paul Allender. I want a half stack that sounds similar distortion-wise to alternative and punk. I also need it to be loud for playing at small to medium-sized gigs. Whether it is a tube amp or not doesn’t matter.

Best answer:

Answer by JW
A great amp head is the Marshall JCM 100 watt tube head. A awesome cab for it is the Marshall 1960 4×12 cab. they are usually available for less that $ 1000 for the head and $ 800 for the head. I have played them and the sound very good, probably the best sounding amp i have ever played on.

Add your own answer in the comments!

100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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Ampeg Portaflex PF500 Bass Amplifier Head (500 Watts)

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100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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For Sale = Euphonic Audio I AMP 500watt Bass Amp Head & Carvin 2×10 Bass Cab Speaker = Quick Test

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For Sale = My Euphonic Audio I AMP 500watt Bass Amp Head & Carvin 2×10 Bass Cab = Quick Test Just messing around with my 7 string bass, Its all working and sounds great These White Panel Euphonic Audio i amp 500 are hard to find nowadays. They are great amps with plenty of tone shaping available. The current models are the silver faced digital amps and previously was the Black Faced Digital amps. Check around, check the internet etc..these are rare amps to find. The Carvin 2×10 bass cab has replacement Neo lightweight speakers for more power and makes the Cab lighter also higher output replacement Horn.The Cab is 4 ohms. i will sell separately. thanks

100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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Q&A: Setting up a meet and greet with the head of the college nursing department?

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Question by Jackie C: Setting up a meet and greet with the head of the school nursing division?
I’m currently taking my pre-req’s at a community college this is my last semester. I’m trying to figure out what classes I need so I can transfer over to a four year college/univ. Someone had suggested I set up a couple of meet and greets with the head of the nursing department from the quite a lot of schools I may like to attend. Can anyone counsel how I can possibly set up those meetings?

Best answer:

Answer by Kris
Well the easiest way would be to ask the Admissions offices at these various colleges if the heads of the department do meet and greets. If not, you can communicate to the admission counselors who would be in a position to let you know the courses and the pre-reqs required for entrance into the school. They would also be the perfect means of helping you personally than from you researching. If they are unable to solution your questions they may direct you to the higher ups who would then talk to you.
If the heads do meet and greets then you may be able to set up an appointment through their secretaries – which is another process that can be done by contacting the admissions office.

Good luck!

What do you think? Answer below!

100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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Roll of U.S. Buffalo Indian Head Nickels – No Dates – 40 Coins

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Roll of U.S. Buffalo Indian Head Nickels – No Dates – 40 Coins

  • Sold by the roll – 40 coins per roll
  • No legible dates

Roll of U.S. Buffalo or Indian Head nickels. There are 40 coins per roll. The dates on these coins are not legible.


100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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Complete Mercury Dime/Winged Liberty Head Set.

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This video was recorded on May 3, 2008. This is a video of my complete Mercury Dime set. These coins are also known as Winged Liberty Head Dimes. This is the complete collection and includes the 1921’s, the 1916-D, and the 1942/41 variety. The first page is a strict VG set and the last page is Unc except for the 1942/41.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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