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Q&A: what kind of amp would be good for a 1000 watt RMS woofer called the icandy from audiopipe?

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Question by radd_1988: what kind of amp would be good for a 1000 watt RMS woofer called the icandy from audiopipe?
i want to buy a audiopipe icany but i cant decide what kind of amp i wnat powering them i do have a budget so i need affordable

Best answer:

Answer by Ca$ h Money
kenwood got some good 1800w 900rms amps for like $ 150 brand new on ebay

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Posted October 18th, 2012 in Affordable 1000 Watt. Tagged: , , , , , , , , , .


  1. jons_audio:

    I prefer JL Audio but they are a bit more pricey, Kenwood has a good product but the price is a bit more, but if your wanting the best bang for the buck, I would suggest Jensen, the older models if possible. The Jensen amp is a mid-grade model with decent power for a cheap $ . Good Luck.

  2. inktownlegend:

    any amp with about 1000watts RMS @ the correct impedance (ohms), go for a mono class d over a 2-channel amp because it will run cooler and they are made just for pushing the low frequency notes for subs

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