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Respect Prince Namor The First Mutant (Ruler Of Atlantis) Part 1.

Find The Lowest Price HERE

Namor vs Wolverine Namor vs 2 Sentinals Namor vs Venom Namor shows what he thinks of traitorsnamor demostrates an apparent ability to sense mind control. he copes with it well Armour/Suited BP vs. Namor:Namor is described as ‘one of the most powerful beings in the planet in scan 2? Namor is beaten around a bit and it seems as if he doesn’t really want to fight back, BP’s suit saps moisture, when Namor falls into water the fight ends quickly
Video Rating: 0 / 5


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Posted February 25th, 2012 in Prince Namor. Tagged: , , , , , , , .


  1. MadnessWarriorKiller:

    @DrinkUrPruneJuice77 speaking of apocalypse im going to work on his video next right after im? done with ultimate spider-man part 2

  2. DrinkUrPruneJuice77:

    I? thought apocalypse was the first mutant.

  3. Capdirtbag:

    Great Vid , what else is new! do you have a background? in editing or production? Man, the music is always on point!

  4. venomrulesall:

    @MadnessWarriorKiller? looking forward to it

  5. MadnessWarriorKiller:

    @venomrulesall hey just to let you know the venom video will be up later on:)?

  6. theTeenager813:

    What? a beast!

  7. MadnessWarriorKiller:

    @venomrulesall i say? namor but it depends what verison of aquaman it is.

  8. venomrulesall:

    who do you thinck would win Aquaman or Namor?

  9. Gobln15:

    @MadnessWarriorKiller yup he was called the mariner?

  10. MadnessWarriorKiller:

    @FUCKOFF6605 yep thanks?

  11. FUCKOFF6605:

    @MadnessWarriorKiller Namor’s father was a human with a mutant gene (although his was inactive). Which he passed on to Namor which is why Marvel calls him the first? mutant because he was one of their first created characters. Did that clear up the confusion?

  12. IamKingOfHearts:

    @MadnessWarriorKiller well i did hear he was the first mutant in real life, but in marvel? history some chick from the stone age, apocalypse, and wolverine predate him

  13. MadnessWarriorKiller:

    @IamKingOfHearts if he’s not then i will remove the title, and was apocalypse the first? mutant?

  14. IamKingOfHearts:

    @MadnessWarriorKiller eh i see?

  15. MadnessWarriorKiller:

    @IamKingOfHearts well that’s what they called him, besides reading his info has told and what fans has even said then again people said different things about if or not namor is a mutant so for now? the mutant title stay.

  16. IamKingOfHearts:

    @MadnessWarriorKiller nope. there are many humans who predate namor, like apocalypse? and wolverine. his pops is human, and his mother is from atlantis

  17. MadnessWarriorKiller:

    @IamKingOfHearts yeah but it was told of his info that he’s a? mutant.

  18. MadnessWarriorKiller:

    @Tary88 don’t know i just found? does scans

  19. MadnessWarriorKiller:

    @VsxFedora? lol

  20. VsxFedora:

    I? LOVE Black Adam!

  21. Tary88:

    @MadnessWarriorKiller who grabs his hand at? the end?

  22. IamKingOfHearts:

    namor a mutant?? he was a half human half atlantean mongrel

  23. MadnessWarriorKiller:

    @Gobln15 yeah it’s odd that he’s not popular enough and he was the first super hero in? marvel has came out before spider-man i thank, anyways he’s badass i like man better then let’s say aquaman.

  24. Gobln15:

    i like this choice not a very popular hero but? should be

  25. hokutodude:

    Great Video of Namor

    He’ll show? anyone why he is the ruler of Atlantis

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