THE START OF THE QUEST: Lord Krang takes over Sub-Mariner’s undersea empire – and Neptune’s heavily-guarded scepter is the key to regaining the throne of Atlantis! Includes bonus feature THE WRATH OF SUB-MARINER: An angry Prince Namor fights pollution in New York – and an outnumbered Spider-Man battles to rescue Sub-Mariner from the Kingpin’s deadly clutches!
Namor vs Wolverine Namor vs 2 Sentinals Namor vs Venom Namor shows what he thinks of traitorsnamor demostrates an apparent ability to sense mind control. he copes with it well Armour/Suited BP vs. Namor:Namor is described as ‘one of the most powerful beings in the planet in scan 2? Namor is beaten around a bit and it seems as if he doesn’t really want to fight back, BP’s suit saps moisture, when Namor falls into water the fight ends quickly Video Rating: 0 / 5
Namor the Submariner vs Vixen This is an extremely brutal match as a bitter Vixen battles Prince Namor! Vixen is furious after her loss to Shanna the She-Devil. Vixen has sworn she will destroy the prince of the blood! NAMOR-SUBMARINER Namor, the mutant son of a sea captain and princess of Atlantis possesses the super-strength and aquatic abilities of the “Homo mermanus” race, as well as the mutant ability of flight, along with other superhuman powers. VIXEN Vixen aka Mari McCabe possesses the innate ability to make direct contact with the Earth’s Morphogenetic field, which is sometimes known as the Red. This contact with the Red allows Vixen to mimic the abilities of animals, by simply focusing on a specific animal’s abilities and then drawing it directly from the field. Video Rating: 3 / 5
Namor the Submariner vs Tarzan of the Jungle For Tarzan this match is do or die! Since coming to the Justice League Tarzan has not won a match. Justice League officials are concerned that Tarzan can not compete against the heroes in the Justice League, but a proud Tarzan refuses to admit defeat! Tarzan says “Tarzan show you all, he is hero too! Tarzan win tonight!”. Tarzan’s opponent Prince Namor says “This jungle savage is no match for a prince of the blood!”. NAMOR-SUBMARINER Namor, the mutant son of a sea captain and princess of Atlantis possesses the super-strength and aquatic abilities of the “Homo mermanus” race, as well as the mutant ability of flight, along with other superhuman powers. TARZAN Tarzan is the son of a British Lord and Lady who were marooned on the West coast of Africa by mutineers. After the death of his parents Tarzan was adopted by a tribe of apes known as the Mangani. Tarzan’s jungle upbringing gives him abilities far beyond those of ordinary humans. These include climbing, clinging, and leaping as well as any great ape, or better. He uses branches and hanging vines to swing at great speed, a skill acquired among the anthropoid apes. His strength, speed, agility, reflexes, senses, flexibility, and swimming are extraordinary in comparison to normal men. He has wrestled full grown bull apes and gorillas, lions, rhinos, crocodiles, pythons, sharks, and tigers! Video Rating: 5 / 5
This is the theme song for the Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner segment of the Marvel Super Heroes tv series by Grantray-Lawrence Animation from 1966. for more information Video Rating: 4 / 5
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