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Posts Tagged ‘currently’

what are the best 1000+ watt RMS, SQ subs currently in the market?

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Question by : what are the best 1000+ watt RMS, SQ subs currently in the market?
im looking to buy from they sem to have really good prices and stuff. i would like to know what are some of the best SQ subs with 1000 watt RMS and up? is soundstream still like it used to be? would you consider soundstream sq or top of the range?

personal experience stories would be nice, i dont want pure biased opinions. FACTS lol.

Best answer:

Answer by arthuriscool1994
1st soundstream is still the same and jl audio has some overpriced good sh!t
ill tell u right now, SQ isnt my department but i do know soundstream hasnt changed a bit
(my department is all out spl

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