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Posts Tagged ‘difficult’

Is it difficult to get into US accelerated BSN programs if you’re a foreigner?

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Question by lender021: Is it difficult to get into US accelerated BSN programs if you’re a foreigner?
I am actually a clinical graduate from the philippines. some stuff happened and I took some time off to take care of my father (tried private nurses but it didn’t pan out). As time went by, the dream of taking the USMLE and becoming a medical resident became more unrealistic but I really do love the medical box so I was hoping that I can become a nurse instead.

Best answer:

Answer by john_paul32177
most professions in the health related field are projected to have substantial growth in the next 5 years. as long as you fulfill the application and visa requirements the fact that you are a foreigner should not be a hurdle. if you already hold a medical doctor level you may have your credit evaluated from one of the services that relates overseas degrees to their equivalent in the u.s. you might be able to transfer some credits and this will shorten the time to complete the bsn program.

what i dont understand is why it would be unrealistic to take the usmle test just because some time has passed. why you dont try it still? the worst it could occur is that you dont pass.

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