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Posts Tagged ‘Find’

Where can I find statistics about the amount of money home schooled students make when they grow up?

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Question by aqwaters: Where can I find statistics about the amount of money home schooled students make when they grow up?
I am doing a case study for my statistics class, and I am supposed to find out how much money home schooled students make as adults. Please do not tell me to Goggle it; I have already done that. I do not want general home school statistics. I want specific statistics about adult home school income.

Best answer:

Answer by hsmomlovinit
You probably can’t, to be honest – at least not something specific enough to use for your stats class. Because well over half of homeschooled students are not registered as such, they aren’t even tracked when they are students (much less when they’re adults).

The closest thing you could probably find is the number of college enrollees or graduates (by voluntary admission). I do know that a disproportionate (larger) percentage of homeschooled students (as compared to classroom schooled students) are admitted to college, and many of them receive partial or full scholarships. This would likely be indicative of the amount of money they’re at least qualified to make. Whether they do or not…hard to say, as it’s not really tracked anywhere.

Hope that helps – and good luck on your project!

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Where can I find the best online marketing course?

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Question by Felix G: Where can I find the best online marketing course?
I would like to find out who offers the best course on marketing, online.
I need information about internet Marketing courses, and who is the best regarding tips and tricks regarding Internet Marketing.

Best answer:

Answer by dbol83
hey, I am an internet marketer and there are only a few good books out there. The absolute best is the wealthy college dropout system. He’s a young guy who dropped out of college etc. etc. , whatever. I bought this one and for the price it is by far the best. I think it was only 50 bucks and I have made a lot more than that this week alone using it, it is the best for the price.

But if you want to spend somewhere around a thousand you could go with traffic secrets. This is way expensive but I liked it also. I really think the one at is the best so far though. Check it out.

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How To Make Money Fast Online – Find Best Way To Earn Money Now!!!

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FREE Videos “REVEAL” How To Build Cash Sucking Amazon Affiliate Sites That Each Crank Out $ 150 to $ 700 A Month On Complete Auto-Pilot at

CLICK HERE – – Start Making Money Every 60 Seconds Right NOW! How To Make Money Fast Online – Find Best Way To Earn Money Now!!! The powe…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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Where can i find legitimate online jobs without investment?

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Question by Asha: Where can i find legitimate online jobs without investment?
I wanted to make some extra cash online, can any one help me pls? I went through many sites but I am yet to come across a proper site which really pays for our work.

Best answer:

Answer by Zebra
I’ve been doing this one for awhile just part time & I earn approximately $ 200 per week just typing while I watch TV (& yes it is legitimate & I do actually receive the money, you can be paid via Pay Pal or by check). Easy money, but you don’t make thousands of $ $ like they claim. It’s still worth it though. The whole link won’t fit in on the same line so make sure you enter the no. 47 on the second line as well for the link to work.

It will ask you for your name & email address so they can send you some info but don’t worry, if you decide you aren’t interested you just choose “unsubscribe” & they won’t contact you again & they won’t pass your details to anyone else. You can give a false name as well if you don’t want to give your real name.

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Q&A: where can i find some good ebook to about internet marketing?

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Question by somli: where can i find some good ebook to about internet marketing?
I am building a website and I need good information about internet marketing. Is there any site that offers some good ebooks or articles related to internet marketing?

Best answer:

Answer by Karma
There are many sites that tells you that they have the best ebooks and articles about internet marketing and other stuffs. I have gone through a few and would like to suggest you to look into this site which I think is the best so far to learn about web content writing and marketing.

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How to find free information to make money online?

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Question by : How to find free information to make money online?
Hello, does anybody know where I could find legitimate FREE information on how to make money online? I really wanted to work from home especially that my job right now is getting shaky? Hope to your sound advises.

Best answer:

Answer by belle
if you are interested to make money online, visit this site:

Here you can get the best training course how to make money online and make a realistic $ 900 to $ 9000 each month.

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Where can I find information on different types of internet marketing?

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Question by lastportagee: Where can I find information on different types of internet marketing?
I’m looking for as much information as possible on as vast a range as I can find regarding internet marketing, such as click-through campaigns and Google adwords campaigns. If anyone can direct me to the most detailed and wide-ranging websites, I’d be much obliged.

Best answer:

Answer by Tashi Khoo
You can download this FREE ebook and learn how to make money.
Please check this out if you are in internet marketing.
‘The Death of Internet Marketing’:

Have you heard of Google Adsense program?
It’s the easiest program to make money and free to sign up. You can make some legitimate money if you have a blog at of a free website like Google pages which will allow you to publish Google Adsense with no cash investment.
This is a self explained page:

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Where can I find the best Internet marketing tips?

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Question by : Where can I find the best Internet marketing tips?
I am potentially trying to make a business out of Internet marketing and I am looking for all the help I can get. Right now, I am in pre-business mode and doing all the research I can so I need any suggestions for places to look for Internet marketing tips from people who actually know what they are talking about and are easy to learn from.

Best answer:

Answer by Carol
I am going to recommend that you check out Matt Bacak. You can Google his name or check out his blog at The guy is an Internet marketing expert but he keeps it real and explains things that people can understand.

He’s been doing this for several years and knows what he is talking about. I am actually a member of his IM Gold membership and I learn so much every day from it. I have followed a couple other so-called IM “gurus” and they provide you with fluff and don’t give you the facts like Matt does. I wish you the best on your new business adventure!

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Q&A: Where do I find regulations on steam boilers and power generation?

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Question by Ted: Where do I find regulations on steam boilers and power generation?
I want to build a model Rankine/steam cycle for hobby, possible for sale. Are there any Federal or State land regulations I should be aware of? The heat source (I haven’t decided) could be 500 to 2000 Watts. Where could I look (publications of specific organizations) for relevant engineering standards other than legislative regulations?

Best answer:

Answer by goober
I don’t know about government regulations, but you might look at the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.

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Q&A: Where can I find a solar energy air conditioner and stove that use less than 500 watts?

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Question by nickJ_luver: Where can I find a solar energy air conditioner and stove that use less than 500 watts?
I want to find a stove and air conditioner that are energy efficient. The air condioner has to use solar energy and less than 500 watts. Can somebody send me the link of where i can find these products?

Also, can you turn on and off solat power lights?

Best answer:

Answer by A friend of Bill W
I don’t know if I can answer your question in the fashion you wish it to be answered. I don’t know of any specific manufacturer which makes either a solar powered A/C unit or stove. There are many smaller appliances that are solar powered or portable solar arrays to power small appliances.

To give you an idea, a portable room A/C unit uses 1200 watt to start the unit and 1000 watts to run. With my simple mind, it would take at least 6 @ 200 watts panels or more (I’m do not have any solar power training, so consult a professional). If you are looking to go green for your home, look into purchasing a solar system. The price has been falling over the years and the technology has been improving. In addition, there are many grants and tax incentives to make it more affordable. Solar system are making more economic sense today.

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