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Posts Tagged ‘meet’

Q&A: Setting up a meet and greet with the head of the college nursing department?

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Question by Jackie C: Setting up a meet and greet with the head of the school nursing division?
I’m currently taking my pre-req’s at a community college this is my last semester. I’m trying to figure out what classes I need so I can transfer over to a four year college/univ. Someone had suggested I set up a couple of meet and greets with the head of the nursing department from the quite a lot of schools I may like to attend. Can anyone counsel how I can possibly set up those meetings?

Best answer:

Answer by Kris
Well the easiest way would be to ask the Admissions offices at these various colleges if the heads of the department do meet and greets. If not, you can communicate to the admission counselors who would be in a position to let you know the courses and the pre-reqs required for entrance into the school. They would also be the perfect means of helping you personally than from you researching. If they are unable to solution your questions they may direct you to the higher ups who would then talk to you.
If the heads do meet and greets then you may be able to set up an appointment through their secretaries – which is another process that can be done by contacting the admissions office.

Good luck!

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