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Posts Tagged ‘Pearls’

#health Bach Rescue Pearls Natural Stress Relief, 28 Capsules Reviews

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Bach Rescue Pearls Natural Stress Relief, 28 Capsules

  • Dissolvable Capsules
  • Non-Habit Forming
  • Alcohol-Free
  • Homeopathic

All natural, non-narcotic and non-habit forming, RescuePerals provide relief from stress. Alcohol-free and safe for the whole family.

List Price: $ 11.39

Price: $ 7.50

Veterinarians Guide to Natural Remedies for Dogs: Safe and Effective Alternative Treatments and Healing Techniques from the Nations Top Holistic Veterinarians

  • dog natural health remedies

The world of veterinary medicine is changing. People are realizing that if alternative medicine is better for them, it’s better for their pets, too. Dogs are visiting acupuncturists, chiropractic doctors, and homeopaths. Still, many dog owners are unaware that such simple measures as changing their pet’s diet and using vitamins, herbs, and other natural cures can help prevent or heal ailments ranging from excessive scratching to depression to a host of serious diseases.

The Veterinarians

List Price: $ 16.00

Price: $ 6.29

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