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Posts Tagged ‘Pignose’

Why are Pignose tube amplifiers so cheap?

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Question by thanr: Why are Pignose tube amplifiers so cheap?
The 60 watt combo amp sells for around $ 500. I’ve seen it used for 300. That seems too cheap for a really good tube amp. Am I wrong? Any pro players out there who have used them?

Best answer:

Pignose has been making portable battery powered practice amps forever it seems. I don’t know one person who uses one in their live rig though. I’m sure you could if you mic’d it up but..they are marketed and sold as practice/warm up travel amps.In the PANTERA 3 DVD you can see DIME walking the streets of NYC jamming with a street performer using a Pignose. Like I said that’s not to say you couldn’t use one for everyday playing,or live use.Kind of like the Marshall “micro stack”,except the Pignose is a portable play anywhere type of an amp.
Got a model # of the specific one you got your eye on?Here’s a link to hopefully help you out further.

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