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Posts Tagged ‘amplifiers’

Car Amplifiers. Female needs help picking and choosing. Links supplied.?

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Boss Audio Systems CE502

500 watts, 2-channel mosfet power amplifier, remot....


Corsair Builder Series CX

The corsair builder series of psus are designed fo....


Question by Hannah: Car Amplifiers. Female needs help picking and choosing. Links supplied.?
Here’s two links to two separate amplifiers.

There’s roughly a $ 26 price difference between the two. I’m not overly concerned about the money side of it. But, is the 6000 watt worth spending the additional cash over the 5500 watt, all for just 500 watt difference? The only thing I have noticed is that on the 6000 watt amp that it appears to have more settings. Like I said previously $ $ isn’t a problem nor are the looks. I’m basically concerned about the over all performance. Any comments, suggestions and answer will be greatly appreciated! Someone who can break down all the specifics for me as well as compare them will indeed win BEST ANSWER!!!! =D

Best answer:

Answer by Mooned Y!A
The $ 242 has 5 great reviews so I would go with that. They both are probably very good though. Good luck.

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Why are Pignose tube amplifiers so cheap?

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Question by thanr: Why are Pignose tube amplifiers so cheap?
The 60 watt combo amp sells for around $ 500. I’ve seen it used for 300. That seems too cheap for a really good tube amp. Am I wrong? Any pro players out there who have used them?

Best answer:

Pignose has been making portable battery powered practice amps forever it seems. I don’t know one person who uses one in their live rig though. I’m sure you could if you mic’d it up but..they are marketed and sold as practice/warm up travel amps.In the PANTERA 3 DVD you can see DIME walking the streets of NYC jamming with a street performer using a Pignose. Like I said that’s not to say you couldn’t use one for everyday playing,or live use.Kind of like the Marshall “micro stack”,except the Pignose is a portable play anywhere type of an amp.
Got a model # of the specific one you got your eye on?Here’s a link to hopefully help you out further.

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Is there such a brand as Cummings when it comes to car audio amplifiers?

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Question by erica12161982: Is there such a brand as Cummings when it comes to car audio amplifiers?
I just recieved a 1000 watt cummings 4 channel amplifier for my car, number 5263. Anyhow I have been trying to do research on this amp and I can’t find anything. The woman who gave me the amp claims its only 6 months old. I can find anything online about the cummings brand amplifiers. I was trying to find a price on it, because I got this amp as partial trade for selling my car. Any info would be great! Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by eclipsegrl3g
Maybe they do exist, but I’ve been around car audio for a long time, & I haven’t heard of it, but w/ that said try some websites for car audio, if not, it maybe used to exist.

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