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What are my chances of Medical School?

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Question by : What are my chances of Medical School?
I’m a junior in a respectable public high school. I have a 3.5 GPA with AP classes and a very hard worker. I’m gonna graduate with high honors, but i’m not in the top 20. I am however, in the top 15% of my class. My family has always been in the medical field, but in nursing. I just wanted to know if I would be successful in Medical School. Any help?
By the way, I live in Alabama so I would be going to UAB or South Alabama for med. school. I also would wanna specialize in cardiothoracic surgery.

Best answer:

Answer by Dave Sweeney
Keep working hard and you can do it. Nothing to inspirational, just get it done.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Posted July 18th, 2012 in Uab School Of Nursing. Tagged: , , .


  1. Samuel:

    already overpopulated. many people are getting surgery who dont need surgery because doctors need to make money. also Doctors are turning into these corrupted people that overcharge medicine.

  2. Hip Hop Anonymous:

    I’ll be honest, nothing you do in high school matters for getting into medical school. Sure, you can go to a good undergraduate university, but beyond that – forget about everything you’ve accomplished because it’s largely irrelevant. The only thing from high school that you can really carry over into undergraduate school is your desire to be a physician. If you want it badly enough, you’ll get the grades you need. It’s great to have a master plan and everything, but I can almost guarantee that it will get shaken up. Stay focused, but remember to be flexible if something doesn’t go your way.

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