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Would I be able to run a 1,500 Watt Space heater in a car with an DC to AC Inverter?

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Question by johnson: Would I be able to run a 1,500 Watt Space heater in a car with an DC to AC Inverter?
I am just wondering, I could replace the heater core on my car but it’s winter and i dont have a garage. So i am wondering if I can run my indoor space heater in my car with a power inverter or would 1,500 watts be to much drain on the battery?

Best answer:

Answer by Lee
Way too much drain. Plug in auto heaters are available cheap, but they don’t put out much heat. It’s the alternator that gets ruined, as well as the battery.

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Posted December 25th, 2012 in 500 Watt Cheap. Tagged: , , , , , , .


  1. Larry E:

    It would be way too much for your electrical system.

  2. idontgivafork:

    BUT WHAT THEY FAILED TO MENTION IS THAT A 1400 watt inverter will power the stupid thing, and it wont be near that you some research on volts watts,amps etc. it should power it, although why?fix the heater core!

  3. Patrick:

    Yep too much dont do it

  4. Mr Radio Man:

    Well it would cost a lot since your car would catch fire..

  5. inktownlegend:

    just google “DC car heater” and go from there, they start at around $ 15

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