Car Amplifiers. Female needs help picking and choosing. Links supplied.?
Question by Hannah: Car Amplifiers. Female needs help picking and choosing. Links supplied.?
Here’s two links to two separate amplifiers.
There’s roughly a $ 26 price difference between the two. I’m not overly concerned about the money side of it. But, is the 6000 watt worth spending the additional cash over the 5500 watt, all for just 500 watt difference? The only thing I have noticed is that on the 6000 watt amp that it appears to have more settings. Like I said previously $ $ isn’t a problem nor are the looks. I’m basically concerned about the over all performance. Any comments, suggestions and answer will be greatly appreciated! Someone who can break down all the specifics for me as well as compare them will indeed win BEST ANSWER!!!! =D
Best answer:
Answer by Mooned Y!A
The $ 242 has 5 great reviews so I would go with that. They both are probably very good though. Good luck.
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