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Posts Tagged ‘someone’

Can someone please tell me the secret to making money online as an affiliate marketer with clickbank?

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FREE Videos “REVEAL” How To Build Cash Sucking Amazon Affiliate Sites That Each Crank Out $ 150 to $ 700 A Month On Complete Auto-Pilot at

Question by Tracy: Can someone please tell me the secret to making money online as an affiliate marketer with clickbank?
I have bought every guru scam and nothing works, but it can be done. Whats the secret? I am not an idiot I am desperate and cant land a job. Please share some insight. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Willie Lawrence
The key is being persistent and using every known traffic source like craigslist, youtube, stumbleupon, pinterest.

I’ve made money by creating a blog, writing articles for the blog and then submitting those articles to directories like ezinearticles and articlesbase.

The key is generating tons of targeted traffic. I could go on and on here.

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Q&A: Can someone help me how to start earning with Affiliate Marketing?

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FREE Videos “REVEAL” How To Build Cash Sucking Amazon Affiliate Sites That Each Crank Out $ 150 to $ 700 A Month On Complete Auto-Pilot at

Question by Sinichi Yap: Can someone help me how to start earning with Affiliate Marketing?
I read an article who mentioned affiliate marketing as one of the best ways on how to earn online. I am looking for a tutorial or anything that explains me about affiliate marketing. Thanks in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by Bill Giles
A good question….Affiliate Marketing is a great business but so many people go about it all wrong. And most people don’t earn any money from it – why? Because no matter how good your website and product if you cant get anyone to see it – you won’t make any money. That is where Traffic is so very important, I joined a website for free that gives me traffic, I was not going to mention it but you seem to be very eager to learn – so go fill your boots with this website – beware!!!! you will get tonnes of great traffic

What do you think? Answer below!

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Can someone explain what the “watts” mean on a home theater system?

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Boss Audio Systems CE502

500 watts, 2-channel mosfet power amplifier, remot....


Corsair Builder Series CX

The corsair builder series of psus are designed fo....


Cooler Master eXtreme Power

Super silent operation with intelligent speed fan ....


Question by VerdeOjos: Can someone explain what the “watts” mean on a home theater system?
I thought the higher the watts, the better the system, but why are some 500 watt systems more expensive than the 1,000 watts? I know brand of course… but any other advice? I want a good system, but i have NO idea what the sound difference would be, and mostly when they are hooked up in stores I don’t like to turn them up loud because of the other customers….
USA. California 🙂


Best answer:

Answer by Mark T
Depends on several things:

Quality of the product – a Smeg&Grommit 200W amp is perhaps a lot cheaper than a Technics 100 Watt amp

It also depends on what you mean by watts.

RMS – True meaningful number
Music Power – This is a way of doubling the figure so it looks like a more powerful system.
PMPO (purely mythical power output).

The last one is a way for cheap products with perhaps as little as 20 watts RMS to pretend to be producing HUNDREDS of watts and manage to avoid prosecution.

ALWAYS compare like for like. Ask what the ampliers output is in RMS.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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can someone help me with annual appraisal reviews?

Find The Lowest Price HERE

Corsair Builder Series CX

The corsair builder series of psus are designed fo....


Boss Audio Systems CE502

500 watts, 2-channel mosfet power amplifier, remot....


Question by May: can someone help me with annual appraisal reviews?
. Place yourself as their supervisor..
Having just completed their annual appraisal reviews it is now time to make recommendations for their future salary. Your department budget has $ 4,500 allocated for salary increases. Distribute the $ 4,500 among your employees based on the information you have for each of your subordinates. Post your allocations and justification for distribution to the discussion board.

Janet Jenkins: Janet currently earns $ 21,000. Her performance appraisal was very high. She is respected by her peers and is felt to be an asset to the work group. She is divorced and has three young children to support.

Russell Watts: Russell Watts earns a salary of $ 18,000. His annual performance appraisal was average. Several members of the work group have spoken to you about the difficulty involved in Russell’s job. They feel that it is a tough and demanding job and that he is doing his best.

Jack Perkins: Jack Perkins earns $ 18,250. His performance appraisal was below average and he seems to have difficulty adjusting to his co-workers. Jack has had a difficulty time this past year. His wife passed away early in the year and his father has recently been diagnosed as terminally ill.

Rick Jacobson: Rick Jacobson earns $ 17,000. His performance appraisal was above average. He is respected by his peers and is generally considered to be a “good guy.”

Paula Merrill: Paul Merrill earns $ 17,350. Her performance appraisal was very high. Her peers are upset because they feel that she is working only to provide a second income. Moreover, her peers see her as trying to “show them up.”

Best answer:

Answer by Talita K.
The extraneous information about these people has no place in an annual review. Your should focus on job performance, not hearsay and personal feelings. I would use a performance score card and base merit increases solely on objective facts.

What do you think? Answer below!

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Can someone give me information about accelerated nursing programs?

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Question by Joeyyowee: Can someone give me information approximately accelerated nursing programs?
I’m thinking about applying to an speeded up bsn software. One of them is a 3 semester application and the different one is a 5 semester program. I have a few questions about it:
Is the program in point of fact difficult? Is it tough to get accepted into an accelerated program? Are you guaranteed a job after you graduate from it? Can you paintings out of state after you graduate from it? Is the nursing exam really difficult?

Best answer:

Answer by Moon Crystal
I may imagine it is crazy. I am going through an accelerated LPN program an it is nuts! Be prepared not to have a life.

You have to have a bachelor’s degree in another field (and from what I heard, it has to be something to do with science) to qualify to. take the accelerated program.

There is no ensure of a job, but it is likely you would get one.

Yes the licensing test is hard. It is called the NCLEX-RN. Yes, you can work out of state, but you would need to get a license for that state in order to practice.

Best of luck.

Add your own answer in the comments!

100% Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract – Appetite Suppressant – Carb Blocker Capsules – 2100 MG – 90 Caps

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